Foundation News
of the USS San Francisco Memorial Foundation
In Memoriam: Richard ‘Chief Johnny’ Jongordon – 12.6.22 – 3.6.21
To all my friends here at the USS San Francisco Memorial Foundation: I write this brief letter with sadness and with gratitude. The passing of our Chief, the founder of this Foundation, marks a sad day for us all. He inspired every one of us and stood as a testament...

Turning Point
On March 9, 1933 San Francisco’s namesake and the second heavy cruiser to be built at Mare Island slid down the building ways. Champagne was not available due to the Prohibition, so she was christened with water from the famed Hetch-Hetchy water system. The...

Annual Memorial Event Cancelled Due To Corona Virus
Dear Friends, Board Members, Supporters, and Honored Veterans I and the Board of the USS San Francisco Memorial have decided to cancel this year's Memorial Event in light of the health emergency that affects us all. We know that our mission as responsible citizens is...

Annual Memorial Ceremony This Sunday, May 26th
A turning point in the Battle for the Pacific, Guadalcanal marked the end of the southern march of Imperial Japanese forces towards the resource rich continent of Australia. This was a hard-fought campaign with great losses on both sides, and the sacrifices of the men...

New ‘Table of Honor’ At This Year’s Memorial
Friends and Families Are Encouraged To Bring Framed Photographs Each year, fewer and fewer of our Second World War survivors can join us and while they are still able, we feel fortunate to be able to honor them at this ceremony. New this year, we are...

Japanese Battleship Sunk by U.S.S. San Francisco CA-38 Found
One of the first Japanese battleship to be sunk by U.S. forces during World War II has been discovered in the Solomon Islands by a research organization set up by the late billionaire Paul Allen. Imperial Japanese Navy ship Hiei, which sank on Nov. 14,...
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